Letakan Script Buku tamu sobat Disini

RegaSull: 20 Apr 2011



Rabu, 20 April 2011

See Who Views Your Profile on Facebook!!!!!

See who views your profile!

-Use Our Unique Code To See Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile
-Follow The Simple Steps Below To Use Profile Spy v4.0.

Step 1 - Copy This Script:

Just click in the box to highlight all, Then right click and hit copy to copy the code  

Step 2:

1.Click Here To Visit Facebook.Com

2. Click the address bar
3. Hit the delete button
4. Paste The Code you copied into the address bar
5. Hit enter to see your results!

Note: Be patient. Results may take up to 1 minute process.

Video tutorial

Read More RegaSull: 20 Apr 2011

9 Pelangi Paling Menarik Dan Indah [versi: SLOWBOS.com]

1.Classic Rainbows
Spoiler for 1

Pelangi Alam terdiri dari enam warna: merah, oranye, kuning, hijau, biru dan ungu. Intensitas warna masing-masingnya tergantung berbagai kondisi atmosfer dan waktu.
2. Circular Rainbows
Spoiler for 2

Pelangi ini benar-benar terlihat seperti busur lingkaran sempurna (dengan radius tepat 42 derajat, menurut Descartes).
3. Secondary Rainbows
Spoiler for 3

Pelangi primer, sering disertai dengan pelangi sekunder biasanya tipis dan redup daripada pelangi primer. Pelangi sekunder terkenal dengan karakteristik tertentu, spektrum ditampilkan dalam urutan terbalik dari sebuah pelangi primer.
4. Red Rainbows
Spoiler for 4

Red Rainbows biasanya terlihat saat fajar atau senja ketika ketebalan filter atmosfir bumi menjadi biru, terlihat lebih merah atau seperti tetesan cahaya oranye mencerminkan dan membiaskan air. Hasilnya adalah pelangi dengan spektrum ujung merah.
5. Sundogs
Spoiler for 5

Yang paling sering terlihat rendah di langit di hari musim dingin yang cerah, sundogs terjadi ketika matahari bersinar melalui kristal es yang tinggi di atmosfer. Sundogs berwarna merah di bagian dalam dan ungu di bagian luar dengan sisa spektrum ramai di antaranya. Semakin tebal konsentrasi kristal es di udara, semakin tebal pula strukturnya.
6. Fogbows
Spoiler for 6

Fogbows lebih jarang terlihat daripada pelangi biasa, karena parameter tertentu yang harus disesuaikan untuk menciptakan mereka. Misalnya, sumber cahaya harus berada di belakang pengamat dan membumi. Juga, kabut di belakang pengamat harus sangat tipis sehingga sinar matahari yang dapat bersinar melalui kabut tebal di depan.
7. Waterfall Rainbows
Spoiler for 7

Kabut air terjun bercampur ke dalam aliran udara konstan atmosfer terus menerus, terlepas dari cuaca. Hal ini membuat sebuah foto air terjun yang sangat baik untuk pelangi.
8. Fire Rainbows
Spoiler for 8

Pelangi ini bukan terbuat dari api, nama untuk efek optik yang indah ini adalah "circumhorizontal arc". Fenomena ini hanya dapat dilihat dalam kondisi spesifik tertentu: awan cirrus, yang bertindak seperti prisma harus setidaknya berada di ketinggian 20.000 kaki dan matahari harus menyorot ketika mereka berada di ketinggian 58-68 derajat. Rainbow Fire tidak pernah terlihat di lokasi lebih dari 55 derajat utara atau selatan.
9. Moonbows
Spoiler for 9

Moonbows adalah mitra untuk pelangi lunar. Mereka juga jauh lebih sulit dilihat karena badai hujan harus berlalu dan, idealnya, bulan purnama yang terang tidak terhalang oleh awan.
Read More RegaSull: 20 Apr 2011

Facebook Game UNO Coins Cheat

Click here to visit the highest rated blog



Credits: alaa hannoun
They are selling 10k coins for 50USD. With this cheat, you can easily get 20k coins for FREE.

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):
  • Charles 3.4.1
  • Firefox
  1. Play UNO (click to play. Wait 15secs or click Skip to load game)
  2. Open Charles
  3. Complete 1 game of UNO. Does not matter if you win or lost.
  4. Look in Charles, find the line "http://uno.fb.gamehouse.com"
  5. Expand it and you will see alot of "server.jsp?gid=xxxxxx"
  6. Click on the first "server.jsp?gid=xxxxxx"
  7. Click on the 'Request' tab on the right window and you should see "Object name="Scores"
    Note: If you don't see it, click on other "server.jsp?gid=xxxxxx" till you see the "Object name="Scores"
  8. Right click the "server.jsp?gid=xxxxxx" and select "Repeat Advanced"
  9. Iterations 50,000 and concurrency 5
  10. You should get 70k coins as shown in my screenshot easily. Have fun gifting outKisses, Reapers, Diamond Rings
Read More RegaSull: 20 Apr 2011

Worold Challenge Cheat

Click here to visit the highest rated blog


Bot Made by: Katapoff.
Shared by: RegaVant

Download ziddu | Sendspace 

A simple Word Challenge Bot. Just download the bot through any of the links above.
  1.  Enter Word Challenge [ click to play ]
  2. Open Bot. 
  3. Start playing word challenge. Type in the word that you want to find in the bot.
  4. Important or browser may hang: Click Generate and immediately click back to the word challenge screen as the bot will start to spam the letters into the game. 
  5. You will see that all the words are getting filled up at turbo speed. Repeat steps 3-4 to level up.
Read More RegaSull: 20 Apr 2011

Yoville Cheat Engine

Yoville Cheat Engine Trick

Click HERE to play.

I used: firefox, flash 9.0, wpe pro. (links can be found at "Downloads" above )
Turn off your anti-virus when downloading/using WPE PRO. BUT if you are afraid as it is detected as a virus, you have the choice of not downloading it.

1. Go into Yoville.
2. In WPE pro, select firefox as target and press the PLAY BUTTON to start scanning.
3. In Yoville, challenge someone to a game of tic-tac-toe.
4. Lose the game on purpose.
5. Stop scan in WPE.
6. Find for this code:
7. Change the "result":0 to "result":1
8. Select continuously and Press PLAY. Watch as the exp and coins increase.

I believe there is a limit to how much you can get per day. So it kinda stops increasing after a while. Try it again 24hours later credits to infinitehacks
Read More RegaSull: 20 Apr 2011

Zoofari Cheats On Facebook - SUPER COINS


Hi Readers, Free2sw3u had released a new Zoofari cheats that work on Super coins.

Credits : Free2sw4u

Tools you need


1) Cheat Engine 5.5

2) Firefox

3) Flashplayer 10.0


Step 01 : Click to play Zoofari

Step 02 : Open your cheat engine for process list and choose firefox.

Step 03 : Scan your current coins value with Hex, binary and also read memory.

Step 04 : Either purchase an item or earn some coins and click next scan for the new coins value.

Step 05 : You should be able to scan till 1 address. Double click it

Step 06 : Change the value to "111101000010010000" for $50,000 coins or

"111101000010010000" for $500,000.

Step 07 : Try to purchase any item to get the coins increase. (Please note do not change any

value other then the one i stated on this blog) As if the value exceeded your account might be


Step 07 : Remeber to click saved after that.

This is the amount you will get only if you do it right.


Why wait join us now!

Start Sharing and Informed your friends with this updates :p Read More RegaSull: 20 Apr 2011

Zoofari Cheats On Facebook - LEVELING


Hi Readers, Free2sw3u had released a new Zoofari cheats that work on Super levels.

Below are the screenshot you will see when you get level up! A maximum of 31 for 50,000 exp.

You will get $1,000 coins per level up to 31,000 coins for level 31

You will be able to unlocked new animals and the capacity on the amount you can adopt.

Credits : Free2sw4u

Tools you need


1) Cheat Engine 5.5

2) Firefox

3) Flashplayer 10.0

Step 01 : Click to play Zoofari

Step 02 : Open your cheat engine for process list and choose firefox.

Step 03 : Scan your current coins value with Hex, binary and also read memory.

Step 04 : Either purchase an item or earn some exp and click next scan for the new exp value.

Step 05 : You should be able to scan till 1 address. Double click it

Step 06 : Change the value to "1100001101010000" for 50,000 exp

Step 07 : Try to purchase any item to get the exp increase. (Please note do not change any

value other then the one i stated on this blog) As if the value exceeded your account might be

disabled. Once you get your 50,000 exp simply close your cheat engine and start clicking the


Step 07 : Remeber to click saved after that.

This is the amount you will get only if you do it right.


Below is the bonus game while visiting your friends.


Cute right? LOL

Why wait join us now!

Start Sharing and Informed your friends with this updates :p
Read More RegaSull: 20 Apr 2011